Monday 18 November 2013

A little bit about me...

Hello I'm Shameela and welcome to my new blog.I've not had a blog before so it should be interesting to see how it goes.I didn't exactly know what to do for my first post so I'd thought I would introduce my self... well sort of. I'll just tell you some facts about my self  and hopefully you'll know a bit more about me. Here it goes...
  • I'm 14,I live in England.
  • I don't have many hobbies or talents to be honest,however I do have a few passions. 
  • My passions so far are; fashion,books,shopping,newspaper blackouts and a strange one for gummy bears.
  • I have 3 brothers and a sister.
  • I want to be a Paediatrician when I'm older, It's a job that appeals to me the most after many several times on changing it. 
  • My favourite genre of books is romance (I'm a sucker for a romantic story)
  • Some of my friends say that I'm a persuasive person.
  • Miranda Kerr is my favourite model (of many)
  • Mangos is my favourite fruit. 
  • I love candles.
  • Lastly I don't want to live in my home town when I'm older.
Also I just wanted to say why I made a blog and what most of it will be about. Well I've been wanting to start a  blog for a while now but I've only had the encouragement do it recently. I've set out for my blog to contain a lot of fashion and posts on my style however I may have some days where I express my opinion and capture moments of my life and share them with you. I hope this blog moulds into the vision I imagine for it and I hope you'll love it just as much as me.

Much Love

- Shameela xx

1 comment:

  1. Followed - I look forward to seeing more posts from you :)
    KJ xo
